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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Some Observations About Portugal

Portuguese people are not at all shy or retiring. When we lived in Uruguay, we found the people to be mostly quiet and not given to outbursts. I accidentally made a workman cry when I told him that my high school woodworking class would have done a better job on the cabinets. Hey... I was angry. Our house in Ilhavo is right on the street and you can hear conversations coming a block away.

One of the many local cafes

Coffee is just an excuse to sit around and talk for hours. When I stop into a cafe... it is to get a coffee. But I learned, today, that the best thing I could do, to learn Portuguese, is sit outside, with a coffee, next to a full table and just sit back and listen. Almost free Portuguese lesson.

The Portuguese have a great sense of humor. They love laughing and that is a great advantage when you are massacring their language. I think they get a laugh out of my poor attempts. I remember when we lived in Germany, that the locals enjoyed teaching us slang phrases, because it amused them when we spoke them. While sitting at a table for lunch, I said (and this is not spelled correctly) "schmeiss mal die butter ubber", which, loosely translated means "toss me the butter babe". The head of the table, gave me a solemn look and said "don't lower yourself, Wally".

A German friend of mine who spent some time with me in New York, learned some phrases and tried them out on his wife. "You know, dear, this morning we had a job that we thought was a 'piece of cake', but it turned out to be 'a real bear'." He was so proud of that, but it was so funny to hear him say it. So I get the humor of listening to my attempts to speak the language.

Anyway... got off the track. So the take-away is that I love Portugal and am very glad we are here.

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