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Friday, April 16, 2021



Such a wonderful, sunny day, today. It seems like the first time I have finally enjoyed our little community in Ilhavo. We moved here to be within walking distance of services and today sure proved that to be the case.

First thing, this morning, I bought bread from the delivery person who comes by our street every morning (except Sunday), announces her presence with a loud bicycle horn and parks right across from our house.

A nice clothing store
Our little shopping strip

Then I went walked less than 5 minutes away to: 1. mail a letter to the Washington DC embassy with a notarized copy of my wife's driver's license 2. Went to the store a few shops away to buy a dress shirt for meetings 3. Stopped by the pharmacy a few doors from our house to pick up a prescription 4. Picked up flowers for Denise - the first of our stay here.

Then - took my little cart and went grocery shopping at our local Continente, and picked up 2 wine glasses, a free bonus from purchases I made the last month.

My shopping bonus
Denise was able to walk over to a frame shop a few blocks away, and put in 2 posters that she had purchased to get framed, so we can start having a little decoration in the house.

When we both got back to the house, we went down the little Chinese store (we have 3 of them in town) just to pick up some miscellaneous items. I was able to find some nice fitting sandals, so I was happy that I went along.

This might not sound like an exciting day, but after so many dreary months locked away (it seems), getting out and running errands was a day off.


  1. One starts off grumbling to oneself that you had to buy a house in the middle of the block which requires you to walk to the end just to begin to get anywhere......then comes the day you notice that all the vendors park right in front of your house BECAUSE it's the middle of the block. It's always hard to know which is the better end of the Stick Of Life.

    And not to comment on it being a good or bad thing, but isn't it amazing how, wherever you go, whatever country you are in, whatever nation, there's always a Chinese businessman running a store or restaurant.

  2. hi there wally and denise please give me a call i tried that 478 numbercant get thru to you please call urgent 3238231186 monte
